Created in Vienna. Made in Europe.
Shipping within 24h* (MO-FR)
14 Days Cancellation Right
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Customs Duties

Please note that we do not deliver to non-EU countries except for Switzerland.

Information displayed on this site relating to pricing is subject to change by us without notice, but those on the site at the time of any order placed will be the prices applicable to that order.

Unless stated otherwise, all prices include 20% VAT (where applicable) but exclude delivery costs. For deliveries within the EU except for Germany and Austria, we charge shipping costs of € 12.00 for each order. The delivery costs will be notified to you separately before you submit your order and will be confirmed to you by e-mail.

As a customer with a place of residence in an EU Member State, there are no customs duties to be paid when buying our goods coming from within the EU.

Additional costs may arise when importing into a third country (duties, customs duties and import turnover taxes). These remaining costs have to be borne by the customer.

In case of a cancellation you must send the goods back to us to our address Miracle Woman, Wiener Straße 127/3/6, 3500 Krems, Austria at your own cost (unless we delivered the item to you in error or the item is damaged or defective) without undue delay and in any event within 14 days after the day of the cancellation. For an easy process, please notify our customer service department ( of the return package.